Over the years I've gone through different blogging phases: from daily posts about random cool shit I ran across on the web, to posting dumb updates about mundane things I was doing at the time (I may have even had a "just had a great bowl of cereal" post), to occasionally posting tech related stuff, and to not blogging for months (dare I say years?) on end.
I recently became officially appointed as Chief Geek at Conduit (after my previous role as Head Of Product) and decided that's as good a reason as any to dust off the old blog and get back to business. Plus, my shiny new title pretty much gives me carte blanche to rant about anything tech-related.
So after a few weeks of messing around with server and DNS configurations, comparing blogging services, setting up templates/graphics... the blog is pretty much back in running order.
Got a new name (used to be guymal.com), new template, and lot's of new energy.
You can expect to read mostly about tech stuff that gets me excited (or pisses me off), anything from gadgets to web applications on the interwebs and social media that all the cool kids are talking about these days.
Hell, I might even throw in a LOLcat every once in a while...
Stay tuned!
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