18 October 2004

Mailing List?

You probably didn't notice, but I removed the Guy's World mailing list a few days ago (if you did notice then you win a free 21 hour day pass to Google.com).

Mailing lists are sooo 2001 and we don't want to be stuck in the past now, do we?

Anyway, the real reason that I removed the list from the site is because it was just too much of a hassle to prepare the issues.

Since we are almost in 2005 and if you haven't seen the letters RSS you probably haven't been using the web for a while (or maybe you're just not a geek :), then just add the Guy's World RSS feed to your favorite feed reader or click here to add Guy's World to your My Yahoo page and you'll always be updated with the latest and greatest from Guy's World.

People, it's time to advance to new "technologies" and leave those old trends behind.

Who knows, maybe in a 10/20 years we also won't see any more fax machines (I doubt it)...