23 February 2005


Ever wanted a costume that would win first place in a costume contest?

I think that dude has found the secret formula to always win with his amazing Transformer costumes.

These are full size, working, costumes of different Transformer robots.

Yup, you got that: these costumes actually transform from car/dinosaur/plane...to robot!

It takes this guy an average of about 6 months to create each costume and you can order them from him (starting at $1500).

Certainly "more than meets the eye"!

18 February 2005

14 February 2005

12 February 2005

Super Bowl Ads

I'm not a big sports fan (to say the least) but the one sporting events that I do look forward to is the Super Bowl because of the awesome commercials.

Click on that link in order to see all the commercials from Super Bowl XXXIX including the ads that they banned from broadcasting.

As usual, the Bud ads are great but there are some other very funny ones (like the Ameriquest ads).

11 February 2005

07 February 2005

05 February 2005

Face Morpher

The Face Morpher lets you upload a passport-style image of yourself and then lets you change your age, race or sex.

It also lets you transform your picture to the style of a famous artist, to make an exaggerated caricature or even make an ape of yourself.

It does take some playing around in order to get good results but it's a lot of fun.

Here's what I look like as

an older adult

a West Asian

an Afro-Caribbean

an East Asian

[Via EdAdkins.com]